Dear Customers,

We have entered into a time when a global issue is impacting our day-to-day lives on an unprecedented scale.

Moving is considered an Essential Service and therefore FlatRate continues to operate and remains ready and prepared to help our customers during this time.

FlatRate understands our clients might need to make last-minute changes and reservations and we are specifically equipped to meet these requests. We are also working closely with building management, clients’ specific requests, and government guidelines to mitigate risks and concerns on each and every move.

Some examples of the steps that we have taken are:

  • Virtual onsite visits via video conference on request.
  • Intensified daily cleaning procedures for our trucks, equipment, and facilities.
  • Outfitting our movers with protective masks, disposable gloves, disposable shoe covers, and on-the-spot disinfecting supplies.

FlatRate Moving will continue to monitor and comply with this situation with the greatest level of care and we thank you for your resilience and perseverance – we will come through this stronger than ever.


FlatRate Moving

Categories: Moving Company